Latest News
Girls water polo:
Congratulations Varsity Girls for earning First place in the McNair Tournament. You all played great!! Special congrats go out to Sami Lieberg and McKenna Bowman for earning All Tournament honors!
Please make sure your student's physical is up to date and turned into the coaches or Maria Arce (rm A112) prior to starting. It is also required that you sign up and fill out all necessary forms through FamilyId.
******This website is still being updated for the 2018 season. Please keep checking back for new updates.*******
Check out the videos posted on the ABOUT tab Water Polo 101

2018 Schedule
Tues 8/21/18 vs Franklin (home)
Tuesday 8/28/18 scrimmage @ Kimball
Monday 9/24/18 @ Tokay
Wednesday 9/26/18 vs Lincoln (home)
Thurs 9/27/18 @ Mountain House 4:00
Monday 10/1/18 @ St Marys
Wednesday 10/3/18 vs Lodi (home)
Fri/Sat 9/28-29 McNair Tournament Varsity Girls
Monday 10/8/18 @ West
Wednesday 10/10/18 vs Tokay (home)
Monday 10/15/18 @ Lincoln
Wednesday 10/17/18 vs St Marys (home)
Monday 10/22/18 vs Lodi @ Tokay
Wednesday 10/24/18 vs West (home)

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